When I first started making money in my career, I was determined to put my freedom and integrity above my salary. I refused to compromise. I decided that if I really disagreed with my employer or was asked to do something unethical, I would quit my job.
He assured me he understood and didn’t want me to quit. He rearranged the reporting structure so I no longer reported to her. I didn’t ask him to change it. In fact, I didn’t expect that he would change it. But, he did and I continued to work for the firm for 6 years.
It took courage to ask for what I wanted out of that job. I eventually asked for more money and more responsibility. And I earned both.
The funny thing, the more I asked for the more I felt indebted.
Over my 6 years there, the courage that committed me to my freedom and financial security slowly faded. When I began to make more money than I imagined, I became afraid to lose it.
“Being courageous doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid to do what scares you; it simply means you trust the foundation within to hold you steady as you move through the shaky parts.”
After I became a mother, my courage hibernated even deeper. The freedom to quit anytime felt like it vanished, and walking to the beat of my own drum seemed like a fantasy.
Eventually, the words freedom and courage sounded foolhardy in my ears.
Instead, I began to use the word “responsible” to describe my decisions to live a less-than-satisfied life.
About a year ago, I rediscovered my courage. It was like seeing an old friend and reminiscing on the adventures of our youth.
Eventually, I embraced the journey to recover my courage.
Last year, I was brave; I was ready to face the fear to uncover the freedom I valued so much in the past. What I’ve learned is that being courageous is actually doing something that frightens you. Quitting my job was brave; building a business that allows me to enjoy my life takes courage.
When courage called me back to my journey, I realized it isn’t rooted in fearlessness; rather, it is built on a bedrock of inner wisdom, self-worth and value.
Being courageous doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid to do what scares you; it simply means you trust the foundation within to hold you steady as you move through the shaky parts.
What do you want to have the courage to do? What is in your mind?
Whatever your dream is, I believe it isn’t in your mind by accident.
I witness my clients wade into their courage every day.
I see them grow to understand their strengths and to appreciate their value. Their ability to be decisive is sharp; they aren’t blown about by the winds of others’ opinions.
I wish I could give you three simple steps to be more courageous. I can’t.
The truth is that courage resides within you; you must simply decide to embrace it.
I can, however, give you a reason to be courageous: Having the freedom to live up to your potential and your purpose is the most fulfilling thing you will experience.
It is like volunteering for a cause about which you are most passionate, seeing your impact on the world around you, and then getting paid for it.
About Jennifer: Jennifer McClanahan-Flint offers a variety of solutions for high-achieving, professional women faced with the new territory of transitioning into leadership positions in their careers, while simultaneously transitioning into motherhood. Jennifer understands the struggles that working moms face every day because she is a working mom herself. You can read more about Jennifer’s services on her website: www.foodonourtable.com.