This week we welcomed Jennifer Gefsky to our Tuesday webinar series. Jen’s a partner at her own law firm, a co-founder of Après, co-author (with me!) of Your Turn, and a good friend. It was great to see her face, even by Zoom! Jen’s a successful returnee herself and she spoke openly about the decision to leave her job as a successful attorney to be with her children — the positives of that decision and the regrets — how she became a Flywheel spin instructor during her time away from law, which prepared her for public speaking and training, and now — 24/7 ZOOM! And she shared how she re-entered the workforce…
Jen’s an inspiration — she always has great advice at the ready, is willing to help, and this hour with her was no different. We wanted to share her top five strategies (a fraction of what she shared during our session!) for a successful return with you here, because really, they apply to any job search:
1. Give serious and realistic thought to what you really want to do (or need to do).
Spend the time getting clear on the what and why of your return to work. Meaning? Passion? Money? Here’s a checklist of things to consider.
2. Prepare yourself mentally for rejection and/or radio silence.
Here are five strategies to combat self-doubt (our webinars are a good way to do that, too, because they bring together a community of people going through the same ups and downs).
3. Create and hone your elevator pitch.
Take the elevator pitch outside of the elevator — it’s relevance is far reaching for any job search, resume and interview. Start here!
4. Update your resume / LinkedIn profile.
We have a whole section of content dedicated to tips to make your LinkedIn profile sing or handle a gap in your resume plus several workshops on perfecting a LinkedIn profile, resume or cover letter with incredible insight and step by step strategies that you can watch and rewatch on your own time. We also can provide a professional review and edit. (Use code LinkedIn to save 20%.)
5. Network, Network, Network!!
There are simple ways to stay connected to people. Here’s one. Hate networking? Read this one!
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