So, I’ll admit to having a greeting card problem. 😂
I collect them and attempt to pull out the perfect one for the perfect moment. Some of them sit in waiting for years! One of my favorites to give is this Quotable card: WHAT WOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO DO IF YOU KNEW YOU COULD NOT FAIL?
It’s a wonderful and paralyzing question all at once, leaving some emboldened — ready to pursue their purpose and passion….
while leaving others speechless — there are too many things to attempt to even count! Or, some may question: Wouldn’t we already be doing what we wanted if we knew we couldn’t fail? Maybe, but maybe not…
Often in our coaching at Après we work with people who have put career change on hold for various reasons. One of our most popular content posts is How to Tell Your Partner You Want to Quit Your Job by Julie Houghton.
Or they don’t want to go back to what they used to do but worry about the consequences of letting people down — maybe they went to law school and don’t want to be a lawyer anymore.
Yet there are more than 11 million jobs open right now and employers are scrambling to hire. Pew Research reports that 53% of people who quit their jobs in 2021 changed fields as part of the Great Reshuffle, and 70% of employers say they’re willing to hire and train people with transferable skills.
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
What if you saw the question as an opportunity to dream a little about new things to try — career related or not, even small things… to step outside of the box you’re in, if only for a little joy. What ideas and new directions might it spark?
Think about it and let me know in the comments here.
Après connects women returning to work or seeking something more in their career with employers. We offer coaching, resume and LinkedIn profile reviews, and a boutique job board that welcomes resume gaps.
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