If it’s possible to be in love with a job category, we at Maybrooks.com are in love with “Returnships.” These are brilliantly coined positions — “internships” — that offer a chance for smart, work-savvy, experienced working women who left the workforce for an extended period of time to “get back in.”
Returnships may be paid or unpaid, and they serve as great opportunities for both employers and women who want to return to work — employers reap the benefits of highly talented workers who are willing to work for less money (or none) in exchange for a chance to refresh their skill set and add something current to their resume.
Fortunately, some smart employers are showing their love for Returnships, to include Goldman Sachs and Sara Lee. In a Harvard Business Review article, Carol Fishman Cohen, who founded a conference circuit for helping women return to the workplace after a hiatus, writes: “Returning professionals offer enlightened employers a rare opportunity: They allow them to hire people who have a level of maturity and experience not found in younger recruits and who are at a life stage where parental leaves and spousal job relocations are most likely behind them. In short, these applicants are an excellent investment.”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. If you think a Returnship may be right for you, be sure to check our listings for opportunities you may be interested in!
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