When you embark on a job search, you usually start out thinking about all the things you need to do or become in order to land that perfect job. Skills you should brush up on, a quick course you need to take to up-level performance, or even push yourself to achieve something different. As you do this, it’s important to stay true to who you are at the core.
The world we’re living in is overtly demanding to say the least. It’s moving at lightning speed and so are the expectations put forth on professionals each and every day. This is leading to more stress, exhaustion, overwhelm, and burnout. There are so many new skills to learn, technologies to adapt to, and learning tools to grasp. And let’s not forget the added pressure to manage your own expectations of self. Subconsciously, you’re always carrying thoughts of how you aren’t measuring up. And these silent, repetitive thoughts often lead you away from your authentic self-journey. They pull you more towards an outer journey which isn’t yours to begin with. It creates misalignment, incongruence, and tension.
That is why staying real and respecting your authentic self as well as your innate attributes are the need of the hour. Comparing your achievements to someone else’s or latching onto the new “shiny object” because it’s the thing to-do will rob you of inner harmony.
You see, trying to be like others is what’s going to keep you hidden and get you lost over time. You must embrace and relish the fact that it’s time to stand apart and stand out. Not fit in. The more you connect with your genuine purpose, passion and unaltered skills, the more you will shine professionally and personally.
Focus on what makes you feel the happiest and what career space allows you to bring more of that joy forth. This should be an imperative step in searching for and accepting opportunities. Career moves that coincide with your intuitive calling and also allow you to grow more into your own space naturally are the jobs to pursue.
And to do this, you must connect with yourself on a deeper level constantly. You are not the same person you were last year or even last month. As you evolve, keep checking on your beliefs, feelings and headspace. Are they taking you where you want to go? And are they preparing you for who you are today? Make time to think proactively rather than going through the motions of searching for a job. The more you stay true to your inner calling, the more the opportunities will automatically begin to show up!