An interview is never complete without a follow-up thank-you note to your potential employer. Here are some tips to make that process easy and effective:

  1. After your interview, always send a follow-up thank you email to your interviewer(s) within 24 hours of your interview. The email note should be 4-6 sentences max and should stand out (don’t make it a cookie-cutter thank you note).
  2. If you interviewed with multiple people, personalize each thank you note with something unique discussed with each particular person. This is another opportunity to sell yourself and showcase your skills and personality, and express why you are such a great fit for the role. For example, “my time management and critical thinking expertise will make me an excellent candidate for this project manager role.”
  3. End the note asking for the job. For example, ”I am confident I can add a lot of value to [company name] as the software engineer and I look forward to hearing from you regarding next steps.” This clear and concise communication will be the perfect final impression of the interview process.

Remember the thank you note is an additional chance to influence your potential employer’s decision, so don’t delay and do send.

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