Hi there, if you’re finding us while we’re at SXSW, howdy! We’re here to host a core conversation around work and flexibility, and to shine a big, bright light on real companies with innovative approaches to making great workplaces with happy people. We also want to spread the word that we’re crowdsourcing smart, flexible jobs for moms – more on this below.

We’re so excited to hear from the audience about what’s working or not working for them, and our goal is for everyone to walk away with concrete ideas and strategies that they can take with them back to their own companies and Change. The. World.

Diana and baby Emily.

Diana and baby Emily.

Even better, we’ve got a newborn in tow. Exactly why we have a baby here is a funny story. When my co-presenter Diana Rothschild, founder of NextSpace/NextKids, and I pitched our session, she was pregnant, but neither of us did the math on her due date and the timing of SXSW. Turns out, it was tight! Baby Emily is 5 weeks old and in true “it takes a village” style, she’ll be attending our core conversation with her dad, who’s here with is own company, Misfit Wearables.

This will not be a boring session where you simply listen. Pretty sure it will be the best conversation on work and flexibility you’ll ever attend (though Katrina Alcorn’s will also be amazing!).

If you come to our session, please say hello. #sxswwomen

If you’re an employer, here’s why you should post a job with us.

If you’re a mom, here’s how you can crowdsource flexible job opportunities to us.

If you’re thinking about how you could bring more flexibility to your own workplace, check out our case studies.
