1. This COVERAGE of working moms: What a Working Mother Wants (NYT)
Awesome discussions sparked by last week’s NYT story, Coveting Not a Corner Office, But Time at Home.
2. This SITE: 3ThingsForMom.com
Lauren Warner’s lovely site offers a truth, a tip and a find every day for moms. We contributed a couple weeks ago (You Have to Own It)!
3. This JACKET: Lilly Pulitzer Malibu Blazer
Pair this blazer with a pair of skinny jeans and you can go from day to evening. Not that there are a ton of evenings out with two little kids these days, but such a fan of smart, fun blazers!
4: This TIP: How to Conquer Your To-Do List
Bottom line, keep ’em short, realistic and digital or hand-written, but not both.
5. This REVIEW: Comparing Wearables: Fitbit Flex vs. Jawbone Up and More (AllThingsD.com)
Curious about the difference between all the exercise “wearables” out there? Lauren Goode of AllThingsD.com compares the most popular ones for accuracy, design and more. Great information as we all run around this summer! Best line of the piece, “your hips don’t lie!”