Maybrooks featured Career Coach Rosie wrote about “PMA” on her blog recently and we wanted to probe a little further on what this might mean for career transitions.
1. You’re a big believer in PMA. What is it?
It stands for “present moment awareness” – or being aware of and present in the moment. It helps you stay connected to your truth versus getting caught up in the possible “painful” stories of your life.
2. How might “painful” stories affect your career or a career change?
If you ruminate about these painful stories, you can sabotage your career success or transition. You focus on thoughts and beliefs that don’t really serve you. Then, your life situation is influenced by these self-limiting beliefs. With that focus on negativity, you might subconsciously behave in a way that draws more undesirable results toward you.
3. How can someone practice PMA?
It’s important to not judge what is occurring at the time it is occurring, and to accept whatever emotions, thoughts, and sensations are showing up in the moment for you. This approach to your life can help you experience emotional agility by helping to monitor and regulate your thoughts and feelings. With this kind of mastery of your emotions, you can make better choices about what you want to think, feel, or do next. How? By realizing that you give meaning to everything that happens in your life. Feeling happier OR suffering comes from the interpretation of what happened and not the actual experience.
For example, the other day I felt overwhelmed by all that I needed to get done in various areas of my life — from meet with clients and strategic partners, to fix my stove so I can eat a warm meal again, etc. I began to feel self doubt about what to do next. And, on the deepest level, I felt fear that it wouldn’t all get done. After identifying those thoughts and feelings, I decided that everything I was doing and the decisions I was making are perfect for me. (Doesn’t even matter if they were not.) I created a new interpretation of what was happening in my life. That decision (or new thought) immediately relaxed me.
4. That sounds easier said than done?
When something seemingly upsetting is occurring, we revert back to automatic reactions out of habit. But, if we can remain present in the moment (i.e., focused on our thoughts, feelings, and any sensations in our body), our minds can’t get stuck thinking about what happened in the past or worry about the future. So, if something happens in your life and you’re noticing a reaction, just pause and practice PMA. Pay attention to what you’re noticing in the moment, understand what isn’t serving you well, change any thoughts or feelings, and then move forward with a more mindful or purposeful action (instead of a negative, unhelpful “re-action”).
5. How can PMA affect your thinking about long term goals?
PMA can actually help you achieve your long term goals because you’ll continuously be aligning your current situation with your ideal vision for your career and life. With increased attention on empowering thoughts, you’ll experience a greater sense of emotional balance. Research shows that equanimity and a positive state of mind creates access to more creative solutions. Those solutions are more likely to result in a career you love.
So, PMA helps you live an inspired, happier life moment by moment and ultimately daily. If you string together all of those moments, you’ll feel like you flow through your life with more purpose, ease, and grace. So, try PMA to achieve your life results – – with less stress – – while feeling more enjoyment and fulfillment every step of the way!
Rosie Guagliardo is a certified coach and founder of InnerBrilliance Coaching. Rosie offers Maybrooks members a 15% discount. Learn more about Rosie and her practice here.
Pieces of this interview appeared originally on
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