LinkedIn is is one of the most powerful tools on the internet to build relationships, build networks, raise funding, and increase brand awareness.

In this session we will….

  •     Unpack my top 5 tips about personal branding on Linkedin
  •     Learn how to navigate LinkedIn and build your personal profile
  •     Walk through my LinkedIn checklist & critique

There’s no going back from LinkedIn, so don’t be left behind! Join me to craft your powerful online CV and social media brand.


You’ll leave prepared to bring your killer Elevator Pitch and Personal Brand to your network.

Webinar leader:

Shannon Houde of Walk of Life Consulting on Sustainability careers on Après a career resource for women returning to the workforce

Shannon Houde, MBA, is founder of Walk of Life Consulting, the first international career coaching business focused solely on the environmental, sustainability and Corporate Responsibility (CR) fields. Learn more about Shannon’s credentials →