Looking for a flexible job? Here are four big opportunities to consider:
Part Time Chief Financial Officer
Not only is this gig part time, it’s also flexible. Consulting firm California Environmental Associates is looking for someone to lead the team that guides the firm’s financial, operational, and human resource activities in a dynamic and collaborative environment. The ideal candidate will be detail-oriented yet strategic, quick thinking, highly analytical, and experienced in all aspects of financial management — including maintaining and improving profitability. (San Francisco Bay Area)
Vice President, Business Development & Operations
The Trium Group is thoughtful in its approach to balance and promotes this philosophy internally and with its clients. This consulting group seeks an experienced consulting (10+ years) interested in helping manage the firm and assist with business development. (San Francisco Bay Area)
Senior Data Scientist
Do you dig big data? Check out this opportunity with ZestFinance, a well funded startup based in Los Angeles focused on providing fair, transparent credit alternatives to underbanked Americans. In 2015, Zest committed to reaching gender parity in its workplace in 2016 as part of the first ever White House Demo Day on Inclusive Entrepreneurship. (Los Angeles)
Community Engagement Manager
Do you feel passionate about community building and the foundation of public schools? This is an opportunity to work part time and very flexibly with a nonprofit dedicated to creating a stronger, more vibrant San Francisco by ensuring that neighborhood families from a diversity of income levels stay and raise their children in this city. (San Francisco Bay Area – Potrero Hill)