As we write in our book Your Turn, confidence is key to any successful job search, but research shows it plummets after less than one year out of the workforce. And we all know that at any job, there are ways our confidence is tested regularly. If you’re feeling uncertain of your skills or ability to go for that promotion or make a career comeback, these five pointers are easy and fast ways to begin rebuilding your confidence:
- Go back and revisit your successes. There are a lot of them, so take the time to remember and absorb yours. Write them down so you don’t forget!
- Put yourself in your kids’ shoes. Be kind to yourself and encourage in the same way you would do if your children need a confidence boost.
- Take a risk. This could mean putting yourself in a situation that pushes your comfort zone, such as a volunteer role with public speaking or fundraising.
- Tell a friend. Never underestimate the power of a good friend! Share with someone that you’re heading back to work or seeking a new role.
- Just start doing things. Take a class. Update your resume. Add a fabulous headshot on LinkedIn. Small steps count!
As one person commented on our Instagram post, the magic is in the just doing things. So don’t delay! As my mother would say, “If you don’t have yourself, you have nothing at all.”
If you need help rounding out your story, we can get you on your way!