NYT: It’s About the Work, Not the Office
The best take on the Marissa Mayer telecommuting ban I’ve seen, from a professor at the University of Texas. Corporate America needs new metrics and new ways to be innovative itself about how and when work is done. (Also read our take on how companies can innovate: Thank You To Marissa and Sheryl. Now, Let’s Really Talk –
WSJ: The Real Women’s Issue: Time
The author offers a way to re-think the work week: “The key is that we design jobs to enable people to contribute at varying levels of time commitment while still meeting our overall goals for the company.”
NYT: With Positions to Fill, Employers Wait for Perfection
Wow. Some candidates say they’ve been called back for 8-9 rounds of interviews. A long process for the 12 million unemployed.
NYT: By Gender and by Age, an Unequal Recovery
Interesting dive into where the jobs are going in this economy, and more of the jobs being created are going to men.
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg is on the cover of Time Magazine. Cover headline is “Don’t Hate Her Because She’s Successful.” Her book “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead,” will be released on March 11.
NYT: Yahoo Says New Policy Is Meant to Raise Morale
Yahoo explains its position on calling all the remote workers back to the office, and we now know it was 200 people who worked entirely from home. Additionally, this week, Best Buy revised its remote working policy – changing it from a “right” to a discussion. While Best Buy’s stock is finally improving, the last few years have been extremely tough for the company. Point being, both Yahoo and Best Buy are working to get their companies back on track. We weighed in on the conversation we think the country needs to be having about women and the workplace.
Working from Home is On the Rise
The U.S. Census Bureau says the number of people working from home (at least one day per week) rose from 9.2 million to 13.4 million between 1997 and 2010 — up 35% thanks to improvements in technology. Interestingly, a survey we conducted found that 60% of working moms want full-time work with options for flexibility, not necessarily an all remote setup.