In light of the momentum and conversation around the need for paid maternity leave (thank you President Obama, thank you YouTube CEO and mom of 5 Susan Wojcicki), we’re so pleased to announce the addition of our company profile database on Maybrooks — designed entirely to shine a light on where companies stack up against others when it comes to this, flexibility and family friendly benefits.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know if a company offered paid maternity (and/or paternity) leave? What about backup child care? Or, how about how many women work there and how many are in leadership? Wouldn’t it be awesome if this data could be ongoing and refreshed by official and anonymous employee input? YES! And now you can.
We’re just getting started and this data is not easy to come by. But we are on a mission to unearth this information for you and all the moms working hard for their families on so many different levels.
We’ve started with listing a lot of the big companies and some startups, but here’s the thing — a lot of small companies are offering awesome benefits (we were so inspired by this Oregon restaurant chain’s new paid maternity & paternity leave policy). We want them profiled here too.
- Are there companies you would like to add?
- Do you work for a great company that you would like to create a profile for (no names are attached so input is anonymous)
- Do you own or run a company that you would like to see profiled?
Create a company profile in minutes! Tell us what you know. Share this post with others. Together, we can improve the work-life playing field — for everyone.
In the spirit of Buzz Lightyear — who is strewn on the floor by my desk as I write this (typical), “to maternity leave… and BEYOND!”
~ Stacey
p.s., If you like what we’re doing, use the share tools below to tell others!