Recently, I’ve noticed that my conversation with friends have been focused on getting older and all the negative side effects that come with aging. On the top of that list are our forgetful brains. On a daily basis, I forget why I walked into a room, what brilliant thing I wanted to say, who I needed to send an email to and where the hell I put my keys, wallet, kids and the list goes on.
But last week, while I was at my son’s baseball game, I overheard the coach strongly saying to the players that you have to forget as quickly as possible in order to even have a chance of winning the game. He continued on by saying that no matter what happened the play before, whether it was good or bad, you have to forget. He finished the talk by sharing that it is only in your ability to forget, that success is possible.
Ok. This equation for success got me thinking. While my brain is mush when it comes to remembering the details of my daily tasks, it is genius at remembering my shortcomings, mistakes, past failures, meals I overindulged in, conversations that didn’t end positively, and criticisms that were shared about me. It’s as if I am carrying around a 20-ton suitcase of unforgettable moments that weigh me down, keep me exhausted and block my ability to focus on the present moment.
And that is precisely why I was riveted by the coach’s words. FORGETTING = SUCCEEDING
If I suddenly had amnesia around the negative memories I chose to carry around, just imagine what would happen in my life. I know I would be more open to the present moment and I would have more self-love and appreciation for what I do right.
Take one moment to try this exercise that I learned from Byron Katie years ago:
-Pick a memory from your life that does not make you feel good or centered.
Me: When I failed to speak my truth about a very important part of a project I was involved in. I was afraid to rock the boat.
-Now, think about how that memory makes you feel.
Me: I feel ashamed, pissed at myself, weak, lame, embarrassed and regretful.
-Now, ask yourself what would unfold if you let go and forgot that memory.
Me: I would feel more centered, more confident to speak my truth and to trust in my ability to make good decisions in the present moment.
Try it! Try being like a baseball player and see what happens. The past is the past. All you have is right now. And remember FORGETTING = SUCCEEDING.
Please let me know if you have questions! E-mail me at or check out my website,
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